Friday, January 16, 2009


Maria is never never never ever never ever never never never never ever never leaving. 

I won't let it happen. 


Chatty Cathy said...

Omg, you two haven't changed a bit! How cute were/are you two?! I'm totally jealous. Please tell me you'll do this with me if you ever visit new england. But you'll have to help me with my make up. Because I suck.

Emily the Magnificent. said...

Yes!! =)

Chatty Cathy said...

Yay! haha

Chatty Cathy said...

Hahaha, I just realized I failed to mention what I meant by "do this", because it doesn't go with the picture I commented on. I meant take artsy pictures in obscure places. But you probably figured that out. LOL

Emily the Magnificent. said...

Oh I totally knew what you meant =)

Victoria Sandberg said...

Cathy. . . I thought you wanted to make muffins with Emily.

not really. :)

maddy said...

never ever never ever for never ever?

Chatty Cathy said...

Hahahaha! Actually, that sound like fun, too! We could completely make up a recipe and see how digusting or delicious they turn out. LOL!