I am in love with this illustrator, and this picture.
For a good 15 minutes I've been staring at it and imagining that I'm the little girl.
I need a hat like that.
"Oh! Do not attack me with your watch. A watch is always too fast or too slow. I cannot be dictated to by a watch."
sorry an old man
than lion looks like an old man i deleted the other one cuz it said old mad
dang i did it again THAT
Ok, so if you ever come to Maine and visit me, you need to check out my childrens' book collection. It sprung from my love of the books that I still have from my childhood. Then, I started collecting them for my future children. You would love these books, I just know it.
Ooooo, that is such a good idea.
I might need to start a children's book collection myself. . .
I NEED to have a library like the one in Beauty and the Beast. I was so jealous when Belle walked in there. LOL
Here's a link to one of my books from childhood. This was one of my absolute favorites:
(Dancing In The Moon)
On a side note, we're getting 16 inches of snow tomorrow.
That looks so cute!!!
I totally know what you means about Belle. That is my FAVORITE part of the movie. And she is my favorite princess. So levelheaded.
She's my favorite princess, too! Her face cracks me up when the Beast opens the blinds and her eyes are still shut. But she sways her head from side to side with excitement. LOL What's Beast's name, anyway...I mean when he's not a beast. Do we ever find out? Oh man, I want to watch it now.
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