Friday, January 9, 2009

in other teeth news. . .

I have been mildly obsessed with flossing my teeth as of late. I don't mean the like, "oh yeah, I floss my teeth every night" kinda way. 

I mean, the "oh my goodness, if I don't find any floss before I go to sleep I will go crazy" way. 

My dentist is happy. My teeth are happy. My mental health, not so happy. 


Gunnar Hanson said...

I have heard it said, "You should only floss the teeth that you want to keep." If this is true, make sure you only floss the teeth you are attached to (no pun intended :)).

Emily the Magnificent. said...

*note to self* only floss two front teeth.

Chatty Cathy said...

Is it bad that I, like, never floss? But I've never had a cavity. I do brush my teeth like an insane person, however.

Emily the Magnificent. said...

It's probably okay, since you've never had a cavity.

I've had a cavity is almost all of my teeth (well except the ones more towards the front).

I have three fillings each of my back molars.

It's my downfall.

Chatty Cathy said...

Well that's good, since the ones in the front are the ones you're attached to. hee hee

You know, I eat sweet stuff all the time. And I don't floss. Yet, no cavities. I'm starting to wonder if all the dental stuff they brainwashed us with as children is all a bunch of who-hash.

That, or the fluoride content in the water in Maine is really good for teeth. I'm so glad our water doesn't smell like chia pet.

Victoria Sandberg said...

For some reason, Cathy, my kids get cavities easily especially between the molars. . . so floss away Emily!

My brother was the same about not brushing, flossing, eating lots of candy with nary a cavity. Me, not so lucky. . . . by necessity I'm a scrupulous dental hygiene person.

maddy said...

i have nine cavities and almost never floss my teeth. i really don't care.

Emily the Magnificent. said...

mom cares Maddy