Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's that time of year. . . when the world celebrates Christmas too early.

"Oh I completely understand! It's not anything you did. It's like a magic that happens when the stars and your closet are aligned. I feel like the days when your outfit is outstanding are the days that it doesn't look like you are trying to be vain"

-Maria Hilton

I have always reserved this red shirt for after thanksgiving. It's a very Christmas worthy top, and I am a bit of a nazi when it comes to how holidays should be celebrated--I am the expert after all.

But I have fallen a great fall.

Not only did I wear my red shirt far too much in advance, but I have also listened to Christmas music. . . all day.


"I must stop Christmas from coming. . . but how?"
(plate of Christmas cookies to the first person who can tell me what movie the above quote is from)