Sunday, September 28, 2008

Apparently I'm phone number worthy.

I was given my first phone number while serving  table.

I know what you're thinking. . .

About dang time!


Unknown said...

Hmmm, that guy is part of a pyramid scheme company. Maybe he just wants you to sell for him.

You are better than phone number worthy. Don't stoop so low.

Emily the Magnificent. said...

Well, I also got a note from him on his receipt. So yeah, it was a phone number.

For reals.

Emily the Magnificent. said...

Although, it kinda hurt my ego because. . . not that I'm shallow. . . but he just wasn't very great looking.

So. . the ego was hurt.

The Millers said... least he didn't attempt to draw something that looked like you and then chase you as you walked away shouting "miss, miss...I made this for you" ...that happened to me was dreadful. Just ask Britt!